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Turning Ideas Into Action

The Glasgow University One Health Society formally became a club in 2020, and since then has worked tirelessly to help turn One Health ideas into action. In the midst of a pandemic, we created initiatives to help people network and connect via our Sofa Sessions and Blog. We helped students become better consumers and supported local, sustainable shops through our "Shop Local. Shop Sustainable." campaign. We have been working on programs to make our campus more environmentally friendly through our Green Fleet and our Recycling Center on campus. In short, we hit the ground running and have continued to make strides ever since. We are always looking for creative and meaningful ways to make a change and keep this forward momentum we have started. 

To get to know us, check out our bios below!

About: About Us



Senior Representative

Year: BVMS4
"My favorite thing about One Health is the collaboration between disciplines. I enjoy being pulled out of my silo of veterinary medicine and working on a multidisciplinary team that challenges me to think outside of my box. This environment fosters adaptability, creativity, and appreciation for other disciplines."


Junior Representative

Year: BVMS2



Current Treasurer

"I believe that the only way advance the health of humans, animals, and the planet is to collaborate. Everything is connected and we have a responsibility to recognize that connection to ensure the best health for us, animals, and the Earth."




Year: BVMS2



Social Media/PR Chair

Year: BVMS4


VPHA Senior Representative/ Human Health Chair

Year: BVMS2
"One of my favourite quotes is from botanist Albert Howard “The health of soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible”. One Health for me represents the unquestionable connection between our health (physical and mental), animals’ health and our planet’s health. As humans we must remember our natural origin and our immense responsibility to respect and nourish this planet. The key to improve life for all is to collaborate extensively and always be aware."


Environmental Health Chair

Year: BVMS2
"I'm really passionate about One Health because I find the solutions that can be found through an interdisciplinary approach are extremely powerful and I feel One Health related issues are only growing more prevalent as we experience more severe effects of climate change."

About: Meet the Team


About: Meet the Team
emma cv photo.jpg


Emma is a 3rd veterinary medicine student, originally from Toronto, Canada. Her previous degree was in evolutionary ecology and environmental biology with a particular interest in conservation and wildlife management. She loves to write about many things and has a blog that explains the science behind beauty and fashion products.

Check it out at:

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